We are proud to announce the launching of an online fractal course. It has been developed by the Fractal Foundation in collaboration with UNM under a grant from the NM Public Education Department.
While the course is primarily aimed at high school students, anyone may browse the material and do the exercises and activities.
The material in the course will open in a separate window.
This course is licensed under the Creative Commons licensing model, where you are freely able to use, share and extend the course content, but you must provide attribution to the Fractal Foundation, you may not re-sell it or charge money for it, and you must include the same license in any derivative works.
An answer key is available, with a donation of any amount. Contact Julie (at) FractalFoundation.org to get a copy once you’ve donated!
This course is still evolving. Please use the feedback form below to leave any comments, suggestions, corrections, ideas, etc. Thanks!
Yes. Please credit Fractal Foundation where appropriate. Thanks!
May I use some of the material in the Fibonacci Rabbit family tree for a short essay for my Math 220 class?
Eric Stapleton