Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Fractal Foundation! We have many opportunities for you to contribute. The only way we can share fractals with the whole world… is with your help! Please scroll down to sign up.
Become a Fractal Ambassador!
Would you like to help teach the world about fractals? We want to teach you how! Attend one of our free training programs to learn how to share the exciting world of fractals with people of all ages.
Ongoing Projects:
Fractal Trianglethon
We are always teaching people to make fractal triangles to help ever-larger record breaking gigantic fractals. Help us teach a school class, summer camp, homeschool group, after school club or other group of young people how to make triangles so they can participate and help make mathematical history!
Fractal Teaching Apprentice – Do you love fractals? Would you like to learn to give fractal presentations to audiences of children ranging from K-12? We’re looking for people to learn how to deliver this fascinating, interdisciplinary presentation. Make a difference by teaching children the science, math and art of fractals. Becoming a Fractal Ambassador is the first step.
Skills Needed:
We have many other needs that you might be able to help with. Here are some of the skills we are seeking:
- Classroom Aide
- Teaching
Please contact jonathan (at) for more info.
Thanks for your interest!

Joyous Fractal Volunteers celebrate after finishing constructing the world’s largest fractal triangle, during the Fractal Trianglethon. And we’re doing it again, 3 times bigger! Please help us…
Thank You!
Hello, I am doing research regarding to fractal, an I am intrested in all kinds of activity as going on fractal and also wanna make aware the people about fractal so like to expouse in my country India. Plz let me know for all updates. Thanks
I am an artist and fractals have been my chosen mode of expression for several years. I hang my work in a local gallery and had two shows last summer in other local galleries. I’m looking to expand my audience and humbly submit my work for your consideration. Thank you.
Hi, I’m an educational software developer and inventor. I’d love to get involved.