Fractivities are hands-on projects that teach fractal concepts in a fun, artistic way. Students utilize their math skills in real-world applications and also work together as a team to create large fractal designs.
With support from the Albert I. Pierce Foundation, our fractivities are aligned with common core standards in mathematics and English language arts so you can more easily incorporate teaching fractals in your classroom, combining science, math and art!
You can use our curriculum for free or can hire us to come to your school to lead fun, hands-on activities. Check out our education and outreach page!
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This summary page shows what grades each activity is appropriate for and what common core math standards they meet.
This page includes the associated English language arts standards met by the activities.
We are sharing these fractivities with teachers for free and request that you provide feedback to us so we can continue to refine and improve our curriculum. Thank you, and have fun!
See what people are saying about us on our feedback page!
Fractal TriangleLearn to make the classic triangle fractal, and join many together into a bigger one. |
Fractal Cutout CardMake a 3-dimensional fractal with paper and scissors. |
Fractal TreesMeasure the ratios and angles of a tree’s branches to uncover its fractal structure. |
Watersheds and RiversLearn about the fractal nature of rivers, understand what a watershed is and create your own fractal design. |
The Koch Curve and CoastlinesA simple geometric substitution leads to a jagged fractal much like a coastline. |
Fractal TetrahedronsTeams of students build a fractal tetrahedron made of toothpicks and marshmallows. |
Fraction TreeUse a simple model of an apple tree to practice fractions. |
Fractal Scavenger HuntDiscover fractals surrounding you in the natural world |
ExponentsUse fractals to learn about exponents |
XaoSUse free software to explore fractals and create beautiful art |
Pascal’s Fractal TriangleCreate Pascal’s Triangle and discover the Sierpinski Fractal Triangle! |
Nature Walk BingoExplore what fractals you can see around your school or even in your neighborhood |
BingoLearn all about fractals by playing bingo |
Fibonacci Sequence and SpiralsLearn the Fibonacci sequence and understand how it creates spirals in the natural world |
Flower of LifeCreate a beautiful, repeating pattern of circles that turns into a fractal flowerbed |
3D Paper TetrahedronBuild tetrahedrons out of cut and folded paper |
Menger CubeCreate your own Menger cube out of paper |
Tic Frac ToePlay a fractal version of Tic Tac Toe |
TurbulenceLearn about and play with fractal patterns of turbulence with some fun, hands-on experiments |
These Fractivities were developed with the generous support of the Math & Science Bureau of the NM Public Education Department, Albuquerque Community Foundation and the AI Pierce Foundation.
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